From 26 to 30 April 2021, the 17th Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition "Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2021" took place in Gelendzhik. At the same time the 2nd conference "Engineering and Ore Geology 2021" and the 3rd scientific conference "Marine Technologies 2021" took place.

This event under the auspices of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) is the most representative in terms of the number of participants in the geophysical community, and is distinguished by a rich program and a variety of topics of reports.
The conference was attended by over 150 people, among them were scientists and specialists, students and graduate students, heads of scientific and industrial organizations, software developers and hardware manufacturers. JSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies) was represented at the event by employees of the Engineering Geology Department: Head of the geophysical research group of the engineering survey sector Kirill Sergeevich Kalayev and Engineer of the 1st category of the geophysical research group of the engineering survey sector Stepan Sergeevich Melnikov.
Over the years of its existence, the conference has become traditional for a large number of geophysicists. In addition to sectional and plenary sessions, the event program included courses on the most relevant areas and research methods in modern geophysics. In the round table mode with the participation of professors of St. Petersburg State University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg Mining University, representatives of Schmidt Institute of the Physics of the Earth and the branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issues in terms of methodology for solving a certain type of problem and problematic aspects associated with regulatory documents were discussed.
A field demonstration of the latest developments in hardware and software was held within the framework of the exhibition.
Attending the conference gave an opportunity to learn about changes in the development of both domestic and foreign modern geophysics, to take part in a broad discussion with leading industry experts on topical issues and new developments.
The information obtained will allow the specialists of Lengiprotrans to apply new modifications of observation systems in the field, expand the integration of the research methods used, and perform modeling of geophysical fields at the stage of pre-field preparation.
Photo: EAGE