On March 20, a conference of the Vedomosti newspaper will take place in Moscow: "Barriers and Growth Points for the Transport Industry of Russia: the Railway Sector". This year Vedomosti's annual transport conference will be the ninth in a row and will be entirely devoted to topical issues in the development of Russian railways. The conference will be held with the support of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and with the participation of Russian Railways.

Key topics announced for discussion at the conference are as follows: main directions of development of the railway industry for the next few years; analysis and key growth points of the railway and related industries; application of BIM technologies in the design and construction of railway infrastructure facilities; what awaits the container transportation market in Russia; digitalization of the rail freight market and infrastructure facilities.
The conference will be attended by representatives of organizations and departments of the federal level, heads and top managers of state and private companies of the railway complex and related industry enterprises, members of associations and non-profit organizations, analysts, experts and consultants of the sector, as well as industry media.
The title of one of the key sessions of the conference: "Application of BIM-technologies in the design and construction of railway infrastructure facilities". The partner of this session will be the 1520 Group of Companies, which has extensive experience in both railway design and construction. The session will discuss such topics as BIM technologies - the near future or the present; design institutes as key organizations in the implementation of BIM technologies; staff training in BIM programs and their use, and a number of others.
Dmitry Golubovsky, General Director of Lengiprotrans, was invited to participate in the session, who will make a presentation: "Application of information modeling technology in the design of railway infrastructure facilities". Also, Alexander Miskaryan, General Director of UK Bamstroymekhanizatsiya, representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) and a number of other organizations are planning to speak at the session on BIM technologies.
Other sessions of the railway conference, in addition to the plenary, will be devoted to the container transport market and the digitalization of the rail freight transport market. Among the announced speakers of the conference: Director of Information Technologies of JSC "Russian Railways" Evgeny Charkin, Director of JSC "Russian Railways" for commercial activities Alexei Shilo, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alan Lushnikov, Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service Timur Maksimov, President of the Union of Railway Builders Gennady Talashkin and other leaders. In general, the railway conference should gather a representative composition of speakers and participants and promises to become not only an interesting event, but also an important discussion platform in the process of active development and modernization of the Russian 1520 gauge.