Electric depot Dachnoye

Электродепо «Дачное»
Мойка тележек с очистными сооружениями
Отделение трансбордерной тележки для подачи вагонов на ремонтные позиции
Роликовое отделение
Тележечный цех
Цех капитального ремонта вагонов с камерами окраски и подготовки
Цех среднего ремонта вагонов

Electric depot TCH-2 “Dachnoe” is located on the Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya line of the St. Petersburg metro, behind the Avtovo metro station. It carries out medium and major repairs of wagons. The depot was opened in 1970.

Lengiprotrans has developed a project for the reconstruction of the production base of the Dachnoye electric depot. The modernization is due to the opening of new metro lines and the renewal of rolling stock.

The design documentation provided for 3 stages of construction:
I. Warehouse complex, letter “I” (one-two-story part of the building);
II. Production building No. 2, letter “O”;
III. The building of the electric depot "Dachnoe", letter "U".

Construction and installation work on the first two stages was completed in 2020. At the last, third stage, a complete reconstruction of production building No. 1 and a seven-story administrative and amenity complex was carried out with strengthening of building structures, finishing of premises, replacement of all technological equipment and utility networks. As part of the reconstruction, production building No. 1 was equipped with new modern equipment to perform a full range of repair work, turning wheel pairs of all types and painting cars.

The grand opening ceremony of the Dachnoye electric depot after reconstruction took place on April 11, 2023. The launch of the Dachnoe depot allowed the Petersburg Metro to significantly reduce the cost of repairing cars.


Photo: Lengiprotrans  archive