Signaling, interlocking and communication devices

  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Кебир
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...
  • 1950 — 1959
Уплотнение цветной цепи на участке Мудьюга — Кемь
Railway line Mudyuga - Kem - a section that is part of the Northern and Oktyabrskaya railways. The project for the suspension and sealing of the colored chain on the line was prepared by...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Джабли
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Щербит
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...
  • 1980 — 1989
Устройства СЦБ и связи маневровых районов станции Калининград
Kaliningrad is a station of the Kaliningrad railway, serving short and long-distance passenger trains. In 1984 Lengiprotrans carried out design and survey work at the station. Mine workings and...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Маркия
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...