On October 2-3, 2019, the Autodesk University Russia 2019 conference was held at the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management. Autodesk University is one of the main events for specialists in the field of information modeling and related fields. The event annually brings together Russian and foreign experts in BIM and generative design. _one_

From JSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies), the event was attended by the chief specialist in BIM design Maxim Vladimirovich Mikhailov, deputy head of the information technology department for computer-aided design Ilya Alexandrovich Lukoyanov, chief specialist in information technology Pavel Andreevich Yudichev, leading specialist in the direction of digital modeling of linear objects Prokhor Sergeevich Nabatov and chief technologist of computer-aided design systems Olga Yurievna Grigorieva. _one_
At the event, attention was paid to topics related to urban planning and the development of transport infrastructure. Presentation by Artyom Durasov from Infrastructure Projects LLC on the topic “Model of a railway in one click - design with Dynamo for Civil 3D” and a report by Valentina Chesheva and Danil Pozhidaev from GAU “Institute of the General Plan of Moscow” “BIM in urban planning: the example of renovation and linear objects. Regulation of processes ”caused heated discussions among the participants. So, the automation of the calculation and design processes, the difficulties arising from the export and import of information between software systems, the need for a single platform for storing and using various parts of information models - all these problems do not yet have a definite solution. _one_
The latest developments in the robotics industry for creating virtual, augmented and mixed realities presented at Autodesk University Russia 2019 aroused great interest. The companies presented practical competencies aimed at reducing the project commissioning time and improving its investment performance. The application of such developments in practice will make it possible to respond promptly to the identification of deviations from the project and standards even during construction, which means that it will reduce the developer's risks both in terms of cost and construction time. _one_
Within the framework of the conference, the organizers managed to cover all topical issues on BIM technology, having formed an excellent team of experts. This presented an excellent opportunity to develop competencies with the best representatives of the industry and Autodesk Expert Elite experts, especially in terms of creating plug-ins or using additional software to automate project activities.