March 15 - 16, 2018 at the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State University of Railways, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "E.Ya. Kraskovsky: organizer, teacher, rector" was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the 25th university rector E.Ya. Kraskovsky.
The event was attended by A.P. Konyukhov, Deputy General Director for Survey Organization of PJSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies).

The plenary session was opened by the rector of the University A.Yu. Panychev. He stressed that the current forum is a tribute to the person who has devoted most of his life to the university, its prosperity and development.
The address of the conference received greetings from the Russian Interdisciplinary Union of Employers and the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of St. Petersburg Universities A.V. Demidov.
Among the guests of honor were the head of the October Railway (1984-1987), the first Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation (1992-1996), the first president of Russian Railways (2003-2005) G.M. Fadeev, the Consul General of Poland in St. Petersburg A. Khodkevich, Head of the October Railway (1997), Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation (2003-2004), First Vice-President of Russian Railways (2005-2015), President of the Russian University of Transport, graduate of LIIZhT V.N. Morozov, vice-rector of the Tashkent Institute of Transport Engineers A.A. Gulamov, head of the personnel management and training department of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari" A.Kh. Mavlanov.
President of the Russian University of Transport V.N.Morozov, recalling E.Ya. Kraskovsky, said: “Outstanding people not only create something today, but lay down a perspective, many years ahead of their time. The 25th rector of LIIZhT was undoubtedly one of the outstanding compatriots. We humor his memory and thank the devotional labor for the benefit of the university and railway transport." He called O.Ya. Kraskovsky as a remarkable scientist, organizer and a man of a great soul.