On April 5, 2018, the sixth international conference "BIM in Practice" was held in St. Petersburg. The cross-cutting theme of the speeches was the use of BIM technology as an integral part of the informatization process, which will increase business efficiency.

More than 400 companies took part in the conference. Among the speakers at the conference were both Russian and foreign experts - from Great Britain, France, Lithuania, Ukraine. BuroHappold Engineering, VINCI Grands Projets, AGA CAD Ltd, etc. presented their projects. Their speeches showed that, in general, the Russian construction industry really has a serious lag behind the best world practices: industry leaders began to actively use information modeling at the beginning of the century, and now all employees of these companies use BIM. In Russia, however, this level of acceptance of this technology is extremely rare. Nevertheless, domestic companies at the conference also presented very interesting and breakthrough projects for the Russian market.
PJSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies) was represented by Pavel Andreevich Yudichev, Chief Information Technology Specialist, Andrey Alexandrovich Stepanyuk, Head of Digital Modeling of Linear Objects. They made a presentation "Digital terrain model - the basis for information modeling of infrastructure facilities (on the example of the railway complex and the access road to the potash plant; Reconstruction of the Khvoinaya railway station)".
“Today BIM technologies are a tool that helps to improve the final quality of a construction project, to reduce project risks. Experience shows that today a critical mass of innovative changes in the field of software and equipment has accumulated, which bring BIM out of offices to the construction site, where the technology is used to control construction work, construction volumes, - commented Alexey Kukin, CEO of PSS Greitek. - Technological and business changes are now happening very quickly, and the industry is no longer faced with the question of whether to use information modeling. Another thing is actual: how to use BIM efficiently”.
Traditionally, the conference ended with a discussion with the speakers, in which the most interesting questions of the guests were actively discussed. In addition to the practical nuances of using a particular tool, the focus was on issues related to intellectual property on the BIM model. Note that this topic has been raised earlier. Domestic experts did not find a single answer to this question, but foreign experts were more categorical. According to the established world practice, designers do not sell the model itself, but the right to build an object according to this model. Those. you cannot use the model or its parts for the construction of another object.