On September 17, 2021, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Environmental Engineering Surveys — Regulatory and Legal Framework, Modern Methods and Equipment" was held in Moscow.

The organizers were the editorial board of the journal "Engineering Survey", the Institute of Geotechnics and Engineering Survey in Construction, the Association "Engineering Survey in Construction"— the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers and the Union of Prospectors.
Leading scientists, representatives of the largest design and survey organizations took part in the conference. On behalf of JSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies), the conference was attended by the Head of the party of the Engineering Geology Department Dmitry Sergeevich Krasnogorodsky.
Of greatest interest was the report of Marina Nikolaevna Melnikova, a freelance expert of RSK-Engineering LLC, on conducting environmental engineering surveys (IEI) during the reconstruction and design of a new facility and on the difference in performing IEI depending on the category of the land plot, as well as the report of the FAI Glavgosexpertiza employee Kirill Olegovich Kunakov "Features of engineering and environmental surveys at the sites of accumulated harm. Analysis of typical errors and problems identified during the state examination of survey materials ", dedicated to the issues and difficulties arising during the passage of the state examination. After the report, the topic of the limitation period for engineering and environmental surveys was considered and Table 8.1 was discussed. SP 47.13330.2016 "Possibility of using the results of engineering and environmental surveys of previous years."
Also at the conference was discussed the release of a new, currently not published anywhere, set of rules “Engineering and environmental surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work ". The new document was issued and approved on July 16, 2021 and comes into force on January 17, 2022 under the number 502.1328500.21.
Conference presentations are available on the website of the organizers .