FAI Glavgosexpertiza issued a positive conclusion for the third stage of construction of the Luzhskaya-Generalnaya station in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region.

Photo: company.rzd.ru
One of the most important areas of infrastructure development in the North-West District of Russia is to improve the system of approaches to local ports. In the course of the comprehensive reconstruction of the Mga — Gatchina — Weimarn — Ivangorod line and the railway approaches to the ports as part of the Ust-Luga railway node, the park General will be built for the Luzhskaya station, wich designed to serve the promising terminals of sea transshipment complexes in the northern part of the Ust-Luga seaport.
The project, approved by the experts of Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, provides for the third stage of construction of the park, including the laying of four additional electrified receiving-and-departure tracks with a useful length of at least 1050 m and ten centralized turnouts.
With full development in the park General, the adjoining non-public routes of the terminal for transshipment of mineral fertilizers of EuroChem Terminal Ust-Luga LLC and the universal trading terminal of Novotrans Aktiv LLC will be serviced, the turnover of which, according to forecasts, by 2030 will amount to 6.70 million tons and 24.26 million tons per year respectively. On average, at the maximum operation of the park General, the total number of arriving and departing trains per day will reach 26 trains.
The project documentation was developed by Lengiprotrans JSC for Survey and Design of Transport Construction Facilities. The developer is JSC Russian Railways.
The article is available here.