The St. Petersburg-Main section - Obukhovo with a length of 9.4 km is the main section on the St. Petersburg-Malaya Vishera line and provides traffic from the Moscow railway station for all long-distance passenger trains, including high-speed Sapsan trains, train parts from the Ladoga railway station , suburban trains to Malaya Vishera, Volhovstroy, Budogoshch, as well as trains of electric trains in the depot of Metallostroy. In total, according to the traffic schedule, 122 pairs of trains per day, including 15 pairs of high-speed trains, are calling at the head site.

The capacity of this section with existing technical equipment during periods of intensive reception and departure of trains is almost exhausted. Further increase in traffic in long-distance and suburban traffic is possible only through the use of uncomfortable night time for the reception and departure of trains, which is not in demand.
As an activity to increase the capacity, it is proposed to build an additional 3-rd main road in the main section, which will meet the growing demand for passenger transportation, as well as increase their speed.
By order of JSCo «Russian Railways» PJSC «Lengiprotrans» (part of the Group of Companies 1520) has developed in 2015 - 2016. the main design solutions (ODP), in which the technical feasibility of constructing an additional 3rd main route, its parameters (plan, profile) and the estimated cost of construction, including the section "Environmental Impact Assessment", was developed.
Main design decisions in May 2017 received approval of the October Railway. At present, ODA are under consideration in the departmental examination of JSCo «Russian Railways».
It is necessary to bring the object into the territorial planning plan of the Russian Federation and the customer's decision, which the Government of St. Petersburg or Russian Railways can become, about the beginning of design and survey work with the allocation of appropriate financing.