Egozovo is a railway station in the Leninsk-Kuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region. It is located in the area of the Kuznetsk coal basin (also Kuzbass).
Lengiprotrans has developed a project for a gondola car preparation station for loading Kuzbass coal at Egozovo station. A similar complex was first designed in the USSR.
The project provides for the construction of a foothill and sorting yard for disassembling empty trains by type of repair with the subsequent supply of gondola cars to a gas-dynamic cleaning point, to a detach repair hangar or on the way of departure.
A hangar with a gas-dynamic unit is provided for cleaning cars from garbage. Cleaning is carried out with jets of gases from nozzles of aircraft turbojet engines at a train speed of 3-4 km / h.
The capacity of the cleaning station is 1,500 gondola cars per day. The project provided for a phased increase in the capacity of the station up to 4,500 wagons per day.