Special Projects

Calendar for 2021
The trick is to find the extraordinary in the ordinary
and the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Denis Diderot 
The 21st century was a turning point when digital technology took a leading role not only in production processes, but also in everyday life. Smart cities, neural networks, the Internet of Things are being introduced deeper into the world around us, gradually creating their own infosphere. And managing such a volume of data becomes impossible without artificial intelligence. Already it is used in all key areas: in science, economics, medicine, construction. The range is wide: from solving technical problems — data analysis, face recognition, management of production systems — to the creation of works of art — sculpture, music and paintings.
Calendar Art of the Intellect is a digital harmony of the world's masterpieces and software algorithms. By exploring, experimenting and transforming, neural networks have created new paintings, so similar to the works of masters, but unique in their own way. It mixed the outlines of modern objects with colored brush strokes from legendary canvases of the XX century. The result did not depend on random sequences, but became an achievement of machine learning. 
Who knows, perhaps the day will come when, analyzing engineering and architectural solutions, artificial intelligence will be able to independently design buildings, calculate bridge structures, and trace railroad highways.

You can use the pages of electronic calendar as wallpaper for your desktop.



Art of the Intellect

Photos of objects, designed by Lengiprotrans, and paintings by artists of the 20th century were used as the initial images for the calendar.